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#SriReddyControversy: Case Filed, Arrest Imminent! 🚨🎬


Arrest Demanded!

TDP leaders and their families were offended by actress Sri Reddy's derogatory comments, leading to widespread outrage. Raju Yadav criticized Sri Reddy, stating that only people with malicious intentions would make such statements. He demanded her arrest to set an example, as he fears others might follow her lead if she goes unpunished. Although the case was filed regarding her pre-election remarks, Sri Reddy has yet to respond through any media channels.

Controversial Remarks!

Sri Reddy is a known supporter of the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP). For years, she has been vocal against TDP and Jana Sena leaders, often using offensive language, especially before elections. Her relentless tirades have not only targeted political leaders but have also dragged unrelated issues into the mix. Her videos frequently contain abusive remarks, making her a controversial figure.

Despite being a supporter of YSRCP, even some of their followers have criticized her, reflecting the extent of her controversial remarks. Though Sri Reddy has acted in a few films, she is more notorious for her involvement in controversies.

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