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Smoking Risks for Expecting Mothers 🚫


Smoking during pregnancy can have severe consequences for both the mother and the unborn child. Cigarette smoke contains around 4,000 different chemicals. When a pregnant woman smokes, these harmful chemicals mix with her blood and reach the fetus through the placenta. This can cause serious disruptions in the baby’s growth and mental development. Some of these chemicals can also affect the mother's heart rate, leading to complications during childbirth.

Even if a woman quits smoking after becoming pregnant, there is still a 27% chance of complications. If she continues to smoke during pregnancy, the risk increases to 31-32%, according to surveys. Even smoking a single cigarette due to work stress or tension can lead to health problems for the unborn baby. The survey strongly advises that if both the mother and the baby are to remain healthy, quitting smoking immediately is the only solution.

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