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🌱🤔 Is your hair falling out fast?

Shiva YT

🔍🤷 Hair loss is usually considered a scalp problem. But there could be many other reasons for this. Experts say that apart from physical problems, psychological problems can also cause hair fall. Lupus, syphilis, thyroid, sex-hormone imbalance, nutritional problems can also cause rapid hair loss. Besides protein, iron, zinc deficiency also has bad effect on hair.

🔄🧠 Many researches have shown that people who are under stress or depression also have hair problems. Hair fall problem is more common in such people. When we are stressed, the stress hormone cortisol is released. This damages the stem cells that are essential for hair growth. This causes the hair to become weak and prone to breakage.

💉🤷‍♂️ People suffering from thyroid also have problems like hair thinning and falling. Hair loss can be a problem in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Hair loss is more common in 50% of hyperthyroid patients and 33% of hypothyroid patients. That's why thyroid should be checked if hair is falling.

🥗🌿 Hair needs nutrients to stay healthy. Deficiencies in riboflavin, biotin, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin-E can cause hair loss. Hair is also affected due to lack of essential nutrients like zinc and protein in the diet. In such a situation, experts suggest consuming a nutritious diet to keep the hair healthy and strong. 🥦🍏

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